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 Subsemnata Cristina Aoșan, medic de profesie, domiciliată în comuna Vârlezi, identificată cu CI …. membru fondator și președinte al asociației Melidava,

referitor la afirmația din Invitația nr. 5940 / 03.12.2020:  “(tratare Covid cu propolis), fara a furniza vreun studiu sau baza stiintifica.”, îmi exprim poziția în calitatea de a fi alcătuit și semnat Comunicatul 1-Propolis-Covid 19 / 24.08.2020, la care cred că faceți referire.

Mai întâi, vă prezint perspectiva din care am formulat recomandarea de a folosi propolisul cuiva care suferă de o viroză. Am onoarea de a fi:

  • Membru în Comisia de Apiterapie a Apimondia, din 2009
  • Membru in Comisia de Medicina Alternativa a Ministerului Sănătății (din 2018)
  • formator in Api-Fito-Aromaterapie (2014)
  • atestat in api-fito-aroma-terapie de a prima serie, în 2003
  • prezentator de lucrari pe teme din experiența practică personală, la conferinte / congrese / simpozioane nationale si internationale de Apiterapie între 2005 – 2018; România, Germania, Spania, Franta, Slovenia, Austria, Grecia, Turcia, Ucraina, Maroc, Arabia Saudita, China, Corea, Japonia, Australia, Chile); fito-aroma-terapie – Franța; exemplu: studiu clinic pe un esantion de 83 pacienti, asupra apiterapiei integrate in tratarea sclerozei multiple
  • lector in cursuri / seminarii de apiterapie (Franta, Chile, Japonia, Belgia, Romania, Finlanda) și api-fito-terapie (România), adresate specialiștilor sau publicului larg.

CV-ul meu pe scurt este postat public la

După ce în 16.03.2020 s-a decretat stare de urgență națională în contextul pandemiei SARS-Cov2, Ministerul sănatății a emis Ordinul MS nr. 487/2020 în vigoare de la 24 martie 2020:

PROTOCOL de tratament al infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2

care începe astfel: “La ora actuală nu sunt medicamente aprobate pentru tratamentul infecției COVID-19. Medicamentele propuse în acest protocol se bazează pe experiența epidemiei de SARS din 2003, MERS din 2012 și pe datele acumulate până acum din epidemia SARS-Cov2.”

Ca medic de formație profesională, moral și în conformitate cu prevederile Declarației de la Helsinki a World Medical Association, în care România este membru, urmărind să ajut cu tot ce îmi stă în putință pe toți oamenii care au solicitat aceasta, am aplicat cunoașterea si experiența acumulate, spre a face recomandările adecvate într-o viroză așa cum o făcusem de numeroase ori anterior.

World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects

  1. The Declaration of Geneva of the WMA binds the physician with the words, “The health of my patient will be my first consideration,” and the International Code of Medical Ethics declares that, “A physician shall act in the patient’s best interest when providing medical care.”
  2. It is the duty of the physician to promote and safeguard the health, well-being and rights of patients, including those who are involved in medical research. The physician’s knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfilment of this duty.


Îmbolnăvirea cu Covid 19 presupune, în principal:

  • infecție cu un virus
  • inflamație intensă în corp
  • tulburare imunitară, cel mai sever – furtuna citokinică

Așadar, acestea sînt direcțiile de acțiune necesare. Propolisul este cunoscut și utilizat îndelungat, drept:

  • anti-viral
  • anti-inflamtor
  • imuno-reglator (acțiune inclusiv asupra citokinelor)

Studiile asupra acestor proprietăti au fost făcute pe propolis ca întreg si pe componente separate.

Componente active majore din propolis, ce vor fi menționate în studiile de mai jos:

  • Phenolice: fenoli, acizi fenolici, esteri, flavanone, dihidroflavanone, flavone
  • flavonoli, chalkone, gliceride fenolice
  • altele: alifatice – acizi alifatici, alcooli si esteri alifatici, aldehide, cetone, acid benzoic, ester benzoic

În ANEXA I este compoziția propolisului brut european, extrasă din Propolis Book – Stefan Bogdanof (cercetător științific – produse ale albinelor)

În activitatea mea de medic, de aproape 26 de ani, am recomandat propolisul cu succes și fără reacții adverse, și l-am utilizat eu și familia mea, în variate afecțiuni. Între acestea, afecțiunile virale sînt dintre cele mai frecvente, iar propolisul a fost principalul remediu. Menționez: viroze respiratorii de toate felurile (guturai, gripă, rinită, faringită, faringo-amigdalită, bronșită, bronșiolită), viroze ORL, oftalmice, digestive, cardio-vasculare, neurologice și ori câte ori patologia vădea implicare virală.

Cea mai mare parte dintre virozele respiratorii sînt determinate de coronavirusuri.

Precizez următoarele:

– Coronavirus este numele comun în virusologia medicală pentru Coronaviridae și Ortocoronavinae, de asemenea numite Coronavirinae.

– Coronavirusurile determină boli la mamifere și păsări. La oameni aceste virusuri provoacă infecții respiratorii incluzînd răceala comună în mod tipic cu simptome moderate și rare forme severe precum SARS, în care se include și Covid 19 si MERS.



1985 (

Antiviral action of fractions isolated from propolis

(V Maksimova-Todorova, N Manolova, G Gegova, Iu Serkedzhieva, S Uzunov)


1992 Mar (

Anti-influenza virus effect of some propolis constituents and their analogues (esters of substituted cinnamic acids)

(J Serkedjieva, N Manolova, V Bankova )


2011  (

Caffeoylquinic acids are major constituents with potent anti-influenza effects in brazilian green propolis water extract

(Tomohiko Urushisaki, Tomoaki Takemura, Shigemi Tazawa, Mayuko Fukuoka, Junji Hosokawa-Muto, Yoko Araki, Kazuo Kuwata)


2011  (

3,4-Dicaffeoylquinic Acid, a Major Constituent of Brazilian Propolis, Increases TRAIL Expression and Extends the Lifetimes of Mice Infected with the Influenza A Virus

(Tomoaki Takemura, Tomohiko Urushisaki, Mayuko Fukuoka, Junji Hosokawa-Muto, Taketoshi Hata, Yumiko Okuda, Sachie Hori, Shigemi Tazawa, Yoko Araki, Kazuo Kuwata)


2017 May  (Bee Hexagon)

Propolis book – chapter 2 (Stefan Bogdanof – bee product scientist)


AntiviralAll propolis typesPag 2


Polyphenols and flavonoids: Mostly poplar, but present in most propolis types   Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,  antioxidant, antiaging, antiulcer, antitumor, antiallergic, antiinflammatory, antiosteoporotic, antitrombogenic, antiatherosclerosis, cardioprotective, immunomodulating, hepatoprotective, sicatrisingPag. 3
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) and other caffeates

Poplar, Bacharis

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, fungicide, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, antiosteoporosisPag. 3
Caffeic acid (CA)

Poplar, Baccharis

Antiviral, Antioxidant, antiulcer, antitumorPag. 3


AntiviralPoplar: Polyphenols, phenyl- carboxylic acids, and esters of substituted cinnamic acids, caffeic acid, quercetin, luteolin, fisetin, quertecagetin,

Baccharis: activity detected but no substances identified

Pag. 4


VirusesAdenovirus, Coronavirus, Herpes symplex, Influenca A and B virus, Newcastle disease virus, Polio virus, Vaccinia, Rotavirus; Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Coronar virusPag. 4


ANEXA 2 cuprinde pag 2, 3 și 4 ale cărții.


2020 Apr 16 (Elsevier)

PAK1 blockers: Potential Therapeutics against Covid 19

(Hiroshi Maruta, Hong He)

PAK1 (RAC/CDC42-activated kinase 1) is the major “pathogenic” kinase whose abnormal activation causes a wide variety of diseases/disorders including cancers, inflammation, malaria and pandemic viral infection including influenza, HIV and COVID-19 … Thus, as alternative potentially more direct “broad-spectrum” COVID-19 therapeutics, several natural and synthetic PAK1-blockers such as propolis, melatonin, ciclesonide, hydroxy chloroquine (HQ), ivermection, and ketorolac, which are readily available in the market, are introduced here.”


2020 April 22

Investigation of potential inhibitor properties of ethanolic propolis extracts against ACE-II receptors for COVID-19 treatment by Molecular Docking Study

(Halil Ibrahim Güler , Gizem Tatar , Oktay Yildiz, Ali Osman Belduz, Sevgi Kolayli)

“The results are shown that rutin has the best inhibition potentials among the studied molecules with high binding energy -8,97 kcal/mol and Ki 0,261 M, and it is followed by myricetin, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, hesperetin and pinocembrin. However, the reference molecule has binding energy of -7,28 kcal/mol and 4,65 M. In conclusion, the high potential of flavonoids in ethanolic propolis extracts to bind to ACE II receptors indicates that this natural bee product has high potential for Covid-19 treatment, but this needs to be supported by experimental studies.”


2020 Apr 30  (

Natural product-derived phytochemicals as potential agents against coronaviruses: A review

(Janice S Mani, Joel B Johnson, Jason C Steel, Daniel A Broszczak, Paul M Neilsen, Kerry B Walsh, Mani Naiker)

“…with 55 primary research articles identified. … Compounds that show promise for the inhibition of coronavirus in humans include scutellarein, silvestrol, tryptanthrin, saikosaponin B2, quercetin, myricetin, caffeic acid, psoralidin, isobavachalcone, and lectins such as griffithsin. Other compounds such as lycorine may be suitable if a therapeutic level of antiviral activity can be achieved without exceeding toxic plasma concentrations. It was noted that the most promising small molecules identified as coronavirus inhibitors contained a conjugated fused ring structure with the majority being classified as being polyphenols.”


2020  (Bee Hexagon)

Antiviral properties of the bee products: a review

(Stefan Bogdanof – bee product scientist)

  • ANEXA 3 cuprinde pag. 1 și 6-9
  • 10 “The review shows that bee products have a considerable antiviral activity. If we establish an order of the antiviral activity of the bee products decreases in the following order:

Propolis > bee venom > honey > royal jelly > pollen>>beeswax

The vast rest of the antivirals found in the bee products originates from plants. The majority of the antiviral compounds have plant origin. The antiviral molecules found in the products have often also antimicrobial activity and thus their addition has a hygienic purpose.

In conclusion, this review shows that regular intake of the bee products propolis, honey and royal jelly is a good preventive measure against the flu and also against the corona-flu.”


2020 June

Propolis and its potential against SARS-CoV-2 infection mechanisms and COVID-19 disease

(Andresa Aparecida Berretta, Marcelo Augusto Duarte Silveira, Jos ́e Manuel Condor  ́ Capcha, David De Jong)

“Conclusions … Propolis has proven anti-inflammatory and immunoreg-

ulatory effects, including PAK-1 inhibition. Also, attachment to ACE2, a

major target of the SARS-CoV-2 virus for host cell invasion, is inhibited

by propolis. Propolis components, including CAPE, rutin, quercetin,

kaempferol and myricetin have demonstrated in silico a strong interac-

tion with ACE2. Kaempferol reduced the expression of TMPRSS2. In

addition to these activities, propolis does not interact with the main liver

enzymes or with other key enzymes; according to criteria adopted by the

World Health Organization, therefore propolis can be used concurrently

with the main drugs without risk of potentiation or inactivation.

To determine if propolis specifically affects SARS-CoV-2 will require

more research. But given that propolis is a risk-free product, except for

those who may develop an allergy to it, the known biological activities

of this natural bee product lead us to suggest its use for reducing the risk

and impact of infection and as an adjunct to treatment.”

2020 June 16 (Authorea)

Evidence of the Existence of a Large Amount of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides in Propolis, with a Strong Physical/Electrostatic Mechanism of Action (Detergent-like), and their Possible Promising Effects in the Treatment of COVID-19 by means of Propolis Extract Inhalation

(Eric A. Burger,

“… In the scientific literature there are already consistent clues that propolis main components, responsible for its medicinal properties, are, actually, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). To investigate this possible existence of AMPs in propolis, experiments that can be easily reproduced were developed and, beyond not allowing the rejection of the hypothesis, may have revealed extraordinary evidence that the substance has a large amount of cationic AMPs, which produce strong effects. It was found that propolis, differently from the effects produced only by its phenolic compounds, has, given the significant hydrophobic residues of the water‐soluble cationic peptides that abound in it, strong amphipathic/surfactant(detergent‐like) character and its therapeutic mechanism of action is physical/structural, through electrostatic force. In order to produce effects, the cationic peptides in propolis bind, by attraction, to anionic moieties of the organism/agent with which the substance interacts, and generate a cascade of phenomena. Thus, the results of the experiments developed suggest that there is a potential that should be extensively explored by science; i.e.,propolis and its cationic AMPs possibly have strong antimicrobial and disease fighting properties and are designed to not be resisted by any pathogen, mainly if applied directly to the infection/disease site in the necessary amount. The experiments may also have revealed, as studies have been demonstrating that propolis is non‐toxic and safe to be used by humans even in large doses, a possible powerful therapeutic agent that is ready to be utilized now against SARS‐CoV‐2. “


2020 June 1  (

 Withanone and caffeic acid phenethyl ester are predicted to interact with main protease (M pro) of SARS-CoV-2 and inhibit its activity

(Vipul Kumar, Jaspreet Kaur Dhanjal, Sunil C Kaul, Renu Wadhwa, Durai Sundar)

“Data presented here predicted that these natural compounds may possess the potential to inhibit the functional activity of SARS-CoV-2 protease (an essential protein for virus survival), and hence (i) may connect to save time and cost required for designing/development, and initial screening for anti-COVID drugs, (ii) may offer some therapeutic value for the management of novel fatal coronavirus disease, (iii) warrants prioritized further validation in the laboratory and clinical tests”



2020 June 7  (Dermatological Therapy Wiley)

Back to the basics: Propolis and COVID-19

(Dimitri Bachevski, Katerina Damevska; Faculty of Medicine, University Clinic for Dermatology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia)


“We review the effects of propolis, an old remedy with proven antiviral properties, as a possible low-cost inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 in the oropharyngeal niche, prophylaxis, or adjuvant therapy. “


“Be it alcoholic or aqueous, propolis extracts from temperate climate have been shown to possess a potent and broad-spectrum antiviral activity against a diverse panel of viruses such as HSV-1, HSV-2, Influenza virus type A and B, Parainfluenza virus, Adenovirus, HIV, infectious bursal disease virus, and avian reovirus, Newcastle virus disease, bovine rotavirus, pseudorabies virus, feline calicivirus, canine adenovirus type 2, and bovine viral diarrhea virus.”


2020 July 15

In Silico Screening of Potent Bioactive Compounds from Honey Bee Products Against COVID-19 Target Enzymes

(Moataz A. Shaldam, Galal Yahya, Nashwa H. Mohamed, Mohamed M. Abdel-Daim, Yahya Al Naggar)


Theoretical studies through molecular docking of collection of bioactive compounds of honey bee products against selected targets of COVID-19 including Mpro and RdRb enzymes of the 2019-nCoV virus have distinguished promising bioactive compounds of natural origin that exhibited profound binding to the respective COVID- 19 targets. Among the investigated bioactive compounds derived from honey and propolis, p-coumaric acid, ellagic acid, kaemferol and quercetin are the most promising compounds on 2019-nCoV active sites (RdRb and Mpro). These potent bioactive compounds were also found to have potential antiviral activity against the common cold human rhinovirus which is RNA virus like SARS-CoV2. Taken all together and based on our theoretical studies supported by previous in vitro confirmatory studies, we recommend further in vivo investigations to assess the predicted affinity of the selected compounds against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) target enzymes.”


2020 Jul 28  (

Roles of flavonoids against coronavirus infection

(Maria Russo, Stefania Moccia, Carmela Spagnuolo, Idolo Tedesco, Gian Luigi Russo)

“Up to now, there is no cure for COVID-19 and waiting for an efficacious vaccine, the development of „savage” protocols, based on „old” anti-inflammatory and anti-viral drugs represents a valid and alternative therapeutic approach. As an alternative or additional therapeutic/preventive option, different in silico and in vitro studies demonstrated that small natural molecules, belonging to polyphenol family, can interfere with various stages of coronavirus entry and replication cycle. Here, we reviewed the capacity of well-known (e.g. quercetin, baicalin, luteolin, hesperetin, gallocatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate) and uncommon (e.g. scutellarein, amentoflavone, papyriflavonol A) flavonoids, secondary metabolites widely present in plant tissues with antioxidant and anti-microbial functions, to inhibit key proteins involved in coronavirus infective cycle, such as PLpro, 3CLpro, NTPase/helicase. Due to their pleiotropic activities and lack of systemic toxicity, flavonoids and their derivative may represent target compounds to be tested in future clinical trials to enrich the drug arsenal against coronavirus infections.”


2020 August

Bee products as a source of promising therapeutic and chemoprophylaxis strategies against COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

(William G. Lima, Júlio C. M. Brito, Waleska S. da Cruz Nizer)

“The antiviral activity of propolis is associated with the presenceof phenolic compounds (e.g., galangin, chrysin, p-coumaric acid,kaempferol, and quercetin), which block or reduce the adsorption and entrance of the virus into the host cells (Kwon et al., 2019; Schnitzleret al., 2010). Since these are considered early steps of the viral cycle,the use of propolis may be more suitable for chemoprophylaxis. Fur-thermore, similar to honey, propolis is known to stimulate the adaptive immune response, which reinforces its prophylactic antiviral effect (Babaei et al., 2016)”


“TABLE 1 Ongoing randomized, double-blind clinical trials on the therapeutic and prophylactic use of bee products against patients with COVID-19 patients


NCT numberCountryNumber enrolledBee productInterventionStudyphaseStudy statusCategory/setting
NCT04323345Egypt1000HoneySupplementation of 1 mg/kg/daydivided into 2–3 doses for 14 dayswith standard careb IIIRecruitingTreatment/multicenter
NCT04347382Pakistan30Honey30 mL of honey orally twice a day for14 days andNigella sativaseedpowder (1 mg) twice daily in capsulefor a maximum of 14 days withstandard careb IIIRecruitingTreatment/single center
NCT04480593Brazil120Brazilian green Propolis extract400 or 800 mg/day orally or vianasoenteral tube with standardcare IIRecruitingTreatment/single center




2009  (

Propolis effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine production and Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 expression in stressed mice

(Ana Carolina Pagliarone  1 , Cláudio Lera Orsatti, Michelle Cristiane Búfalo, Fabiane Missima, Tatiana Fernanda Bachiega, João Pessoa Araújo Júnior, José Maurício Sforcin)


“Introduction: Propolis is a beehive product and its immunomodulatory action has been well documented; however, little is known concerning its activity on the immune system of stressed mice. This work investigated a possible role of propolis against the immunosuppressive effects induced by stress in mice, assessing the pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL-1beta and IL-6) production and Toll-like receptor (TLR-2 and TLR-4) expression by spleen cells.

Methods: BALB/c mice were divided into 3 groups: G1 was considered control; G2 was submitted to restraint stress for 3 days, and G3 was treated with propolis and immediately submitted to stress. After sacrifice, spleens were removed and TLR-2 and TLR-4 gene expression was analyzed, as well as the pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Serum corticosterone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay as a stress indicator.

Results: Stressed mice, treated or not with propolis, produced higher corticosterone levels, whereas IL-1beta and IL-6 production was inhibited. TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression was inhibited in stressed mice, while propolis exerted an immunorestorative role in TLR-4 expression. The immunosuppressive effects on IL-1beta and IL-6 production and on TLR expression by stressed mice might have occurred due to a higher corticosterone production during stress.

Conclusion: Propolis treatment did not antagonize the inhibitory effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine production, however it restored at least partially TLR2 mRNA expression and counteracted the inhibition on TLR-4 expression in stressed animals, contributing to the recognition of microorganisms during stressful conditions.”


2012   (

The effects of propolis and its isolated compounds on cytokine production by murine macrophages

(T F Bachiega, C L Orsatti, A C Pagliarone, J M Sforcin)

“Since propolis and phenolic compounds, such as cinnamic and coumaric acids, have several biological properties, their immunomodulatory effect on cytokine production (IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10) was investigated. Peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice were incubated with propolis, coumaric and cinnamic acids in different concentrations and the concentrations that inhibited cytokine production were tested before or after macrophage challenge with LPS, to evaluate a possible immunomodulatory action. Propolis and the acids stimulated IL-1β production, while IL-6 production was significantly inhibited after incubation with propolis (5, 50 and 100 µg/well), coumaric and cinnamic acids (50 and 100 µg/well). In LPS-challenge protocols, inhibitory concentrations of cinnamic and coumaric acids after LPS incubation prevented efficiently its effects on IL-6 production, whereas propolis inhibited LPS effects both before and after its addition. Propolis, coumaric and cinnamic acids (50 and 100 µg/well) inhibited IL-10 production as well. Both acids showed a similar inhibitory activity on IL-10 production when added after LPS challenge, while propolis counteracted LPS action when added before and after LPS incubation. Propolis modulated the immune/inflammatory response, depending on the concentration. Its efficiency may occur due to the synergistic effect of its compounds, and cinnamic and coumaric acids may be involved in the action of propolis on cytokine production.”


2020  (Apiservices)

Poplar brown propolis titrated in polyphenol and Covid-19 : Feedback from a retrospective field study

[Becker Anne (MD), Cardinault Nicolas (PhD), Nonotte-Varly Claude (MD) – Association Francophone d’Apithérapie]

“Twenty four dependent elderly people supplemented their diet served in their hospital with brown poplar propolis titrating 400 milligrams / day of polyphenol, divided into two takes over four consecutive weeks in April 2020.

Thirty-five other people of the same profile and from the same hospital shared the same meals without supplementation.

During this period, 38% of Covid-patients are reported in individuals eating propolis versus 43% in those who do not eat propolis. The initially clinical Covid-19 disease diagnoses were subsequently confirmed by a positive Covid-19 serology. The observation of a lethal evolution was the same in propolis users and non-users (8% versus 9%).

The asymptomatic clinical forms (with positive seroconvertion) and the proportion of non-sick subjects (with absence of seroconversion to Covid-19) are greater in propolis users compared to others (respectively 38% versus 23% and 33% versus 21%).

The different results between users and non-users of propolis above are not statistically different (non-parametric Z tests comparing two proportions – er <1.96).

However, the proportion of very favorable clinical forms (sum of the proportions of asymptomatic and non-sick subjects) is significantly higher in propolis users (71% versus 44% – er = 2.04 – p <0.05).

Laboratory tests carried out in individuals sick with Covid-19 have all shown leukopenia often associated with big lymphopenia.

In individuals who used propolis after the onset of symptoms, and in whom a biological assessment was carried out at the onset of the disease, a very rapid rise in leukocytes was observed, in particular lymphocytes, with the absolute values doubling within a few days. This finding is not observed in those who did not use propolis.”


2017 May  (Bee Hexagon)

Propolis book – chapter 2 (Stefan Bogdanof – bee product scientist)


Polyphenols and flavonoids: Mostly poplar, but present in most propolis types   Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,  antioxidant, antiaging, antiulcer, antitumor, antiallergic, antiinflammatory, antiosteoporotic, antitrombogenic, antiatherosclerosis, cardioprotective, immunomodulating, hepatoprotective, sicatrisingPag. 3
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) and other caffeates

Poplar, Bacharis

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, fungicide, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, antiosteoporosisPag. 3


VirusesAdenovirus, Coronavirus, Herpes symplex, Influenca A and B virus, Newcastle disease virus, Polio virus, Vaccinia, Rotavirus; Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Coronar virusPag. 4


ANEXA 2 cuprinde pag 2, 3 și 4 ale cărții.




Prof. Dr. Siegfried Ansorge (Facultatea de Medicină de la Universitatea din Magdeburg, Institutul de Medicina Internă Experimentală) a prezentat la Conferința Internațională de apiterapie din Austria în 2008 un studiu făcut pe șoareci cărora li s-a administrat propolis 1400 mg/Kg/zi, timp de 90 de zile. Nu s-a observat nici un efect toxic.

Dacă facem un calcul proporțional, la un om de 70 Kg ar corespunde 98 g de propolis/zi, ceea ce nu a administrat nimeni niciodată. Dozele cele maimari care se administrează în patologii severe, de ex cancere, corespund la sub 10 g/zi.


În Propolis book – chapter 2 (Stefan Bogdanof – bee product scientist) la pag 21:


Burdock reviews many animal toxicological studies in animals. He concludes that an intake until 4000 mg/kg per day there are no measurable effects and establishes a No Effect Level (NOEL) at 1400 mg/kg per day. Generally a safety margin of 100 is assumed for drug and food additives. This means that a maximum of 14 mg/kg or 980 mg per day for a human of 70 kg can be the daily acceptable intake.”



  1. Doi tainele stupului PROPOLIS (Ed. Apimondia, București 1990
  2. PROPOLEO, el oro purpura de las abejas (Moises Asis, edition espaniola 2005)
  3. Apiterapia para todos (Moises Asis, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2001)
  4. Apitherapy – Guidelines for more effectiveness (Nailya Khismatullina, Mobile LTD Russia, 2005)
  5. Les bienfaits de l’apitherapie (Catherine ballot-Flurin, Grouppe Eyroles, France 2010)
  6. Albinele și produsele lor (Liviu Alexandru Mărghitaș, Ed. Ceres, București 2005)
  7. Compendiu de apiterapie (Constantin Neacșu, Ed. Tehnică, București 2002)
  8. Apiterapia sau cum să folosim produsele stupului pentru sănătate (Cristina Mateescu, Ed. Fiat Lux, București 2005)

După începerea pandemiei Covid 19, în baza celor de mai sus am recomandat propolis celor care au solicitat recomandări, dat fiind că știam cum acționase de câteva zeci de ani, din proprie experiență, cât și din comunicările terapeuților la conferințele la care am participat.

Este un remediu simplu, lipsit de efecte nedorite, aflat la îndemână și cu un preț rezonabil. Tinctura de propolis e un produs simplu, bazal se poate spune în domeniul apiterapiei, care există în toate țările unde se practică apiterapia de foarte mulți ani. Pe piața românească există numeroși producători.

În comunicat am vorbit despre propolis la general, după cum era adecvat contextului. Dar trebuia să respect regulile de bază ale unei comunicări serioase, în care unul dintre capitolele obligatorii este “materiale utilizate”. Așadar, în acest sens a trebuit sa precizez produsele utilizate, între care unul s-a întâmplat să fie al firmei Melidava, Propolis mielat.


În continuare, oamenii mi s-au adresat, fiind fie contacți cu persoane pozitive, fie pozitivi asimptomatici sau simptomatici, fie solicitînd informații de profilaxie față de Covid 19. Numeroși au folosit propolisul în toate aceste situații. La cei suferinzi s-au redus pâna la dispariție simptomele și s-au negativat viral, și marea majoritate dintre cei ce doreau profilaxie nu s-au îmbolnăvit.


În ce privește buletinele de analize de la testările Covid, menționez următoarele:

  • Într-o asemenea situație de urgență medicală epidemiologică, pe care practic o cunoaște fiecare cetățean, iar diagnosticul se pune printr-o investigația simplă pe care o înțelege oricine, pentru că rezultatul e de tip da/nu, deci nu necesită intepretare de specialitate, atunci când cineva mă întreabă ce să facă spunîndu-mi “Sînt pozitiv Covid”, nu am de ce solicita să-mi trimită buletinul de analiză. Ar fi ridicol față de un om care ți se adresează fiind speriat de moarte, când mai curând are nevoie de încurajări.
  • Oamenii în mod normal nu își trăiesc viața sub imperiul probațiunii, așa că de regulă nu toți păstrează asemenea buletine de analiză
  • Când le-am solicitat ulterior situației acute, unii nu le mai aveam, ori aveau doar pe unul dintre cele două pozitiv sau negativ.
  • Și în principal din motive de confidențialitate a datelor personale, le aveți la dispoziție pe cele ale unor persoane care au fost de acord cu utilizarea lor publică.


În lumea științifică apicolă, crește în continuu numărul studiilor asupra eficienței produselor apicole, incluzînd aici propolisul, în tratarea Covid 19. ANEXA 4 prezintă o baza de date care a fost inițiată de curând de fostul Președinte al Apimondia dl. Gilles Ratia, din Franța.

Daca este necesar, vă pot pune la  dispozitie alte studii apărute.


Despre rezultatele obținute, am informat prin email Comisia de medicina alternativă a Ministerului Sănătății (ANEXA 5), Comisia de Apiterapie a Apimondia (ANEXA 6) și conducerea Apimondia (ANEXA 7).


Urmare a comunicatului publicat, în luna Septembrie am fost solicitată de revista “Doctor bee” din Ucraina, prin managerul său Nikolai Heveliuk, să le trimit un articol pe acesta tema. Spre a actualiza datele, am întocmit atunci un al doilea comunicat, pe care l-am trimis doar la ei – ANEXA 8.


Întrucât ne aflăm în preajma unor sărbători de tradiție și suflet, vă doresc Sărbători cu Pace și Bucurie !


13.12.2020                                                           Dr. Cristina Aoșan

Dr. Cristina Aosan


P.S. In timp ce Statul Roman prin ilustrii sai reprezentanti au recomandat supa de pui la inceput, pentru tratarea Covid 19, apoi Azitromicina, desi orice medic normal la cap stie ca nici un antibiotic nu are efect asupra unei infectii virale. Apoi desigur Remdesivir (330 $ pe doza, cu un necesar estimat de 2000 $ pentru tratarea unui pacient cu Covid) si Kaletra (1300-1500 lei doza), ca antivirale, anti-inflamatoare diverse, produse scumpe si cu care s-au obtinut rezultate indoielnice.

Noi am recomandat produsul nostru Propolis mielat, sau o tinctura de propolis de calitate, 50…70 lei / 100 ml, Cam 2…3 flacoane ar fi fost suficiente pentru un tratament care sa dea sanse de salvare. Un remediu banal si eficient, care s-a dovedit si ierftin si care s-ar fi gasit de exemplu si la Institutul de Crercetare si Deszvoltare a Apiculturii Bucuresti, ca sa excludem o pledoarie pro domo in vederea unui act de comert.

Medicina naturista cenusareasa medicinei, a furnizat o solutie care nu a fost nici de data asta agreata. Mai mult cei care au indraznit sa propuna altceva decat protocoalele Satului Roman, au fost sub o forma sau alta sanctionati. Cele mai severe masuri la noi si in lume s-au luat impotriva celor care au pus la indoiala insasi abordarea modului de tratament. Pentru orice stranut si febra internare la spital, iar de la spital multi au ajuns in sac de plastic, la cimitir, fara autopsie. Cum sa nu faci o autopsia unui decedat intr-o pandemie cu un virus necunoscut? Nu s-a dorit sa stim cum si de ce ne omoara virusul acesta nemaivazut?

Sau au fost alte interese?

Azi ne confruntam cu o recrudescenta serioasa a infectiei cu Covid, iar cei vaccinati nu sunt scutit deloc.

In schimba au aparut dovezi  asupra efectelor adverse ale unor produse impuse ca mijloc de tratament, pe raspunderea celui care s-a „vaccinat”.

Chiar nu va fi tras nimeni la raspundere pentru ceea ce s-a intamplat?






#Melidava #MelidavaRomania #maimultdecatsanatate #polen #polencrud #naturavie #alimentfunctional

O descoperire remarcabila pentru apicultura, nutritie si apiterapie, a constituit-o polenul crud.
Pana in urma cu cativa ani, in apiterapie se utiliza doar polenul uscat, cum era in mod obisnuit furnizat de apicultura.
In Martie 1992, Patrice Percie du Sert, inginer agricol si apicultor pasionat din Franta, era intr-o stare alterata de sanatate datorita muncii extenuante. Medicul i-a spus ca nu mai poate continua la fel ca pana atunci.
Cum albinele incepusera recoltarea polenului, atras de culorile placute si proaspete ale granulelor, s-a lasat purtat de dorinta de a-l gusta pentru prima oara direct din colector.
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